Whether you’re using a bottom loading water dispenser in your home or office, you want something that’s easy to use and that will last for years. It isn’t a tall order to ask for, all you want is easily accessible cold drinking water. Water coolers are coming back to popularity because of the low maintenance and low cost when compared to large volume filtration systems. Unfortunately, there are so many options available now it’s overwhelming to decide which is the highest quality bottom loading water dispenser of 2022.
We’ve researched and determined five top-rated bottom load water dispensers, as well as a couple to avoid.
Reviews of the 5 Best Bottom Loading Water Dispensers, Plus 2 to Avoid
1. Primo Black 2 Spout Bottom Load Hot and Cold Water Dispenser Review
The Primo bottom loading water dispenser is the whole package. At first glance, it’s stylish in a sleek black design, with hot water and cold options and the loading area for the bottle is easy to access. This bottom loading water dispenser also comes with a stainless-steel drip tray and reservoir.
The dual spouts fade into the design nicely, so they don’t stick out as brightly. The hot water spout has a child safety latch, making the Primo bottom loading water dispenser safe for the home as well as the office. This safety latch provides safety by reducing the likelihood of scalding your fingers with boiling hot water.
As with all bottom loading water dispensers, the bottle fits securely into the underpart of the unit. The bottom has a door which easily swings open for water bottle replacement. Without a doubt, this model is the best primo bottom load self-cleaning water dispenser.
To watch the Primo Black 2 Spout Bottom Load Hot and Cold Water Dispenser Review on YouTube, click here.
2. Whirlpool Self Cleaning Hot and Cold Dispenser Review
This bottom loading water dispenser offers hot water and cold water with a flair for stainless steel. If stainless steel is your appliance covering of choice, look no further. Now do remember that as it loads in the bottom, the stainless-steel door will pick up numerous fingerprints.
Stainless steel cleans easily, but you will need to wipe away hand marks constantly. The Whirlpool self-cleaning model tracks when there are bacteria in the water cooler and utilizes unstable oxygen to flush it out. The self-cleaning technology from Whirlpool is impressive.
Finally, Whirlpool bottom loading water dispenser is energy efficient. Because of its energy efficiency, self-cleaning technology and durability it’s become one of the top-selling bottom loading water dispensers. The only downside is that the design doesn’t fit into every kitchen or office, and the self-cleaning still needs occasional cleaning. This model is the best whirlpool bottom loading water dispenser available on the market.
To watch the Whirlpool Self Cleaning Hot and Cold Dispenser Review on YouTube, click here.
3. Honeywell HWB1033W Cabinet Review
So not every model in the running for our top pick of bottom loading water coolers of 2022 is made of glossy black plastic and stainless steel. The Honeywell model here is a great update to the traditional water dispenser.
The visual appeal isn’t bad either; it’s just a simple white tower with 3 temperature options and a drip tray. Overall the Honeywell ended up in the running for our pick of bottom loading water dispenser of 2022 because of its simplicity.
It has a child safety lock; it’s easy to change bottles, holds either 3 or 5-gallon jugs, and has a storage compartment. The Honeywell is a bit shorter than most models. So, if you have kids that you trust to get their cup of water, this is perfect. It’s also great for offices as it doesn’t take up so much space.
To watch the Honeywell HWB1033W Cabinet Review on YouTube, click here.
4. Primo Stainless Steel 3 Spout Bottom Load Hot and Cold Water Dispenser Review
The Primo stainless steel hot and cold dispenser is stylish but downplays the stainless steel enough to fit into any kitchen or office. Although stainless steel looks great in kitchens, it quickly becomes dirty and abused in office spaces. But this bottom loading water dispenser retains its initial visual appeal.
There are push-button controls located over the 2 spouts for hot water and cold water. The push button for the hot water does require an extra hand as you also must disable the child safety lock. The child lock makes this bottom loading water dispenser ideal for houses with kids.
Because the design is rather tall, and the controls are push buttons children are less likely to play with the bottom loading water dispenser.
To watch the Primo Stainless Steel 3 Spout Bottom Load Hot and Cold Water Dispenser Review on YouTube, click here.
5. Brio Essential Series Bottom Load Review
Brio is making a name for themselves with this model. Although the design won’t fit into every kitchen with the blend of stainless and glossy black finish, it’s still visually appealing. The stainless-steel areas are easy to clean, but because the bottom loading door is stainless, you will be cleaning it often.
The Brio Essential bottom loading water dispenser has 3 temperature settings, offering hot water, cold, and room temperature water. The water comes out easily with no delay for heating or cooling.
Of all things, Brio is most proud of their compressor in this unit. They claim it will last for years without a drop-in performance. Finally, the unit fits both 3 and 5-gallon water bottles. This availability offers you some fluctuation in which water service you order from which helps control costs.
To watch the Brio Essential Series Bottom Load Review on YouTube, click here.
Avoid – Avalon Bottom Loading 3 Temperature Settings Review
Avalon is quickly letting its good reputation deteriorate. This bottom loading water dispenser has 2 main issues: taps breaking and heavy maintenance requirements.
It’s inevitable with any bottom loading water dispenser that you will need to clean it eventually. However, most bottom loading water coolers need an occasion external cleaning with a good internal cleaning every few months.
That is not the case with the Avalon bottom loading water dispenser that has 3 temperature settings. The water lines quickly take on a weird, and unwelcome, taste if you go more than 2 or 3 weeks without cleaning the inside of the machine.
Then there are the taps breaking issue. The knobs last for about a month, and although this issue is quickly resolved through Avalon, it’s a severe inconvenience.
To watch the Avalon Bottom Loading 3 Temperature Settings Review on YouTube, click here.
Avoid – Glacial Filtering and Self-Cleaning Bottom Load Dispenser Review
Simply put, the Glacial filtering and self-cleaning bottom load dispenser is one of the worst bottom loading water coolers. It’s the bottom loading dispenser to avoid.
One reason is the addition of Brita water filters as the main way to filter water. However, these filters are for designed for water pitchers. These filters were not intended to handle the water volume of a bottom loading water dispenser.
Although it would be nice to see the top-rated bottom loading water dispenser have a filter, it’s usually not necessary. The bottled water you order through services likely filters their water. Not to mention their filtering abilities far exceed the capability of a Brita water filter. You’re paying for something you don’t even need.
To watch the Glacial Filtering and Self-Cleaning Bottom Load Dispenser Review on YouTube, click here.
2022 Buyers Guide to the Best Bottom Loading Water Dispenser
Buying and using a bottom loading water dispenser requires no knowledge of even basic plumbing. That is one reason why so many people opt for a water dispenser. The huge variety can easily narrow down based on a few deciding factors. Always consider your budget, the amount of energy used, the time it takes to fill a glass and the temperature control options before making a purchase. Because nearly all bottom loading water coolers are easy to refill, and freestanding, so you don’t have to worry about as many design options as you do with the full lineup of water cooler dispensers.
3 Main Points to Consider:
- Budget: If you have an exceptionally low budget, then a bottom loading water dispenser might not be the best option for you. What you can expect aside from the initial cost of purchase is continued water costs to order bottled water. The other cost that many people don’t have a clear picture of is the electric bill. Many bottom loading water dispensers are extremely energy efficient. Because of this, the effect on your electric bill is not severe. In fact, most people don’t notice the difference on their electric bill. And if you’ve been going through significant amounts of water, you probably will only see the transition of your water bill to the bottled water service of your choice. When setting your budget, also account for the size of the bottled water it can accommodate. If you buy an extremely cheap model, it may commit you to an odd size of bottle which could be more expensive in the long run.
- Installation: Bottom loading water dispensers are very easy to install. Typically, they are delivered, put into place and then you plug it in However some are a bit more complicated with fitting the water bottle into place and connecting it. It’s important to learn how to install the water bottle properly as you’ll need to do this every time you need to change it. Many bottom loading water coolers are very straightforward. Usually, you remove the seal and feed the long tube from the bottom loading water dispenser into the bottle. Afterward, you screw or secure the hose into place with the connector. Once the bottle is connected, you can slide the water bottle in the bottom loading water dispenser. Although many manufacturers have a few specific rules to follow, after you read the instruction manual you’ll have a better idea of what to expect.
- Temperature Control – Tap Safety: Many bottom loading water dispensers have 2 modes: hot and cold. These bottom loading water dispensers have taken the place of the traditional water cooler. Instead, you can have a unit that provides not only cool drinking water but also water for tea or cocoa. The important factor to note with temperature control is that there is some safety prevention on the hot water faucet. If you’re looking for a bottom loading water dispenser that can provide hot water, you need a safety feature to prevent children or adults from burns. Focusing on preventing burns is useful not only in the home but the office as well. Because bottom loading water dispensers are so straightforward, it’s easy to overlook the dangers of hot water dispensing. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these dispensers can provide water at near boiling temperatures.
Bottom loading water dispenser vs. top loading: is there a difference in performance?
It isn’t the performance that drives many people away from top loading water dispensers. In fact, most people don’t mind them because it’s easy to keep an eye on the water level. However, there’s the issue of loading them.
Anyone with even mild back problems can’t load a top loading water cooler. So far as performance you’re getting the same water, you have in bottom loading dispensers, super filtered water from Sparkletts or Crystal.
The difference between top loading and bottom loading water dispensers is how they function. The top-loading option relies on a very simple design and gravity to provide water. However, the bottom loading water dispensers use a pump system with tubes to pull the water up.
Although there are some reports that towards the end of a bottle the bottom loading water dispensers can struggle this wasn’t seen with any of the models listed here, including the 2-bottom loading water dispenser to avoid.
Best Bottom Loading Water Dispenser Reviews (2022 Buyers Guide):
Final Thoughts on Buying a Bottom Loading Water Dispenser
If you’re looking for a great bottom loading water dispenser in 2022 focus on finding a model that fits your budget, offers safety in the temperature control taps, and is easy to work with daily, whether for home or office use.